SINGING COMPETITIONS: (Lower and Upper Secondary Level)
Performed by: Ms. Napatchamon Khlaeoom (M.2/1) (Lower Level) *Zone A - Silver Medal &
Performed by: Ms. Benyapa Suwannoppakun (M.6/3) (Upper Level)
*Zone A - 1st Place (Gold Medal) & **Regional - Gold Medal
Trainer: Mr. Tommy Alonzo
SPELLING BEE COMPETITIONS (Lower and Upper Secondary Level)
Represented by: Mr. Settapong Sasipikulpong (M.3/2) (Lower Level) *Zone A - 2nd Place (Gold Medal)
Represented by: Ms. Punchikahn Songpaiboon (M.2/2) (Lower Level) *Zone A - Gold Medal
Represented by: Ms. Pakpitchaya Borvonsin (M.5/3) (Upper Level) *Zone A - 1st Place (Gold Medal) & **Regional - 2nd Place (Gold Medal)
Represented by: Mr. Jarkit Kraisornpong (M.6/1) (Upper Level) *Zone A - 2nd Place (Gold Medal) & **Regional - Gold Medal
MULTI SKILLS COMPETITIONS: (Lower and Upper Secondary Level)
Performed by: Ms. Naphakamon Chu (M.3/1) (Lower Level) *Zone A - Silver Medal &
Performed by: Ms. Yaowaree Naratornswaddikul (M.6/1) (Upper Level) *Zone A - 1st Place (Gold Medal) & **Regional - 1st Place (Gold Medal)
SKIT COMPETITIONS (Lower - Upper Secondary Level)
*Zone A - 2nd Place (Gold Medal) Performed by: (M.3/1) Ms. Phuthiporn Tangkana , Mr. Thanakit Paisal, Ms. Nuttakarn Vititsuwanakul, (M.3/2) Ms. Tanpitcha Kanjanawattana , and Ms. Napas Tepprasit
Trainer: Mrs. Girlie Briones
Performed by: Ms. Dutpradthana Wongthanaroj (M.5/1), Ms. Pakavatee Rungjarlean (M.5/1), Ms. Chanadda Hapermpool (M.5/3), Mr. Chareef Youngchareon (M.5/3), and Mr. Panit Xuto (M.5/2)
Trainers: Mrs. Chatwarin Naraset and Mr. Eddieson Jaluag
IMPROMPTU SPEECH COMPETITIONS: (Lower and Upper Secondary Level)
Performed by: Ms. Panithida Boonla-or (M.3/1) (Lower Level) *Zone A - 2nd Place (Gold Medal) &
Performed by: Ms. Bunyanuch Panjapaiboon (M.6/3) (Upper Level) *Zone A - 2nd Place (Gold Medal) &
SCIENCE PROJECT COMPETITIONS (Lower - Upper Secondary Level)
*Zone A - 2nd Place (Gold Medal) - Created by: M.3/1 - Ms. Praemanee JOngcharoensiri, Mr. Kanitsapong Cholmusik, and Ms. Nuttakarn VItitsuwanakul
*Zone A - Silver Medal - Created by: M.5/1 - Ms. Chanya Methajittanon, Ms. Nicha Apinunrattanakul, and Ms. Napath Putchakarn
*Zone A - Silver Medal - Created by: M.2/1 - Mr. Aekthana Arsirawart, Ms. Chayanun SAvanachai, and Ms. Jutritat Sarachan
*Zone A - 2nd Place (Gold Medal) & **Regional - Silver MedalCreated by: M.4/1 - Mr. Phichayut Ngoennim, Ms. Putita Praesiriputipong, and M.4/2 - Ms. Nasha Saowapak
STORY TELLING COMPETITIONS (Lower and Upper Secondary Level)
Performed by: Mr. Peemawach Techai (M.1/2) (Lower Level - "The Ignorant Man" ) *Zone A - Gold Medal &
Performed by: Mr. Attipong Thanomwong (M.4/3) (Upper Level - "Louis Pasteur" )
*Zone A - Silver Medal &
Trainer: Mr. Eddieson Jaluag

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