Nestled at the heart of Sammakorn Village (Ramkhamhaeng Soi 112), Nawamintharachinuthit Triamudomsuksanomklao School enjoys the ambiance of nurturing nature and strategic location which, are both conducive to learning. Being one of the leading government schools in Bangkok, the school takes pride on the quality of education it offers to its clientele and the graduates it produces annually. Through its mission and vision, the school is a model academic institution which continues to thrive in the academic world now and beyond.
The school’s on-going strategic plans aim to enhance capacity of all learners who constitute the major force of the country so as to attain balanced development in all aspects of morality, knowledge and physical strength.
• Computer Rooms and Wireless Network throughout the building
• Fully-Airconditioned Rooms
• Music and Practice Rooms
• Basketball and Volleyball court
• Football Field and Running track
• Clinic
• Large Canteen
• Large Function Halls
• Large Library
• Mini Theater
• Science Laboratory
Since its inception in 1992, the school has never ceased to perform competitively both in academic and extracurricular activities.
• Cognate school, Memorandum of Understanding for Academic Cooperation and Exchange Program between Nawaminthrachinuthit Triamudomsuksanomklao School and SMA Negeri 5, Bandung, Indonesia.
• For the past five years since 2012, the school’s English Program strived its best to gain connections and has been sending its students to study abroad through different student exchange programs hosted by international student exchange organizations such as AFS Intercultural Programs, OEG Overseas Ed Group, AYC Intercultural Programs, and Global Natural International Cultural Exchange Co.,Ltd.(GIE). To date, the school through its English Program, has already successfully sent fifty-three (53) participants to different parts of the world like the USA, Hungary, Belgium, Finland, Germany, Japan, Brazil, Mexico, and China.
• Pattranit Seubpru, 2nd Runner Up, Indoor Rifle Shooting Competition, 38th YAMO Games, Terminal 21 Korat, 23-31 January 2017
• Thanaporn Peungpiputthrakul, 3rd Runner up , 4th POKPOK-RAM Tennis Championship, 26-28 November 2016, Ramkhamhaeng, Huamark, Thailand
• Napat Lertsardwattana, 2nd Runner Up and 1 of 20 Qualifiers for Thai National Team, TGA_Singha Junior Golf Cup Class SABCDEF, 10-11 December 2016, Dynasty Golf and Country Club, Nakhonpathom, Thailand
Academic and Extracurricular• Participant, EP/MEP Open House Regional Competitions (Central and Eastern Regions), held at Rayongwittayakom School last August 2, 2016
2nd Runner Up (Storytelling)
4th Runner Up (Spelling Bee)
1st Runner Up (Skit)
3rd Runner Up (Singing)
3rd Runner Up (Spelling Bee)
4th Runner Up (Singing)
• 8th placer, EP-MEP Multi-Skills Competition Zone A, July 8, 2016
• Participant, EP/MEP Open House 2015
1st place , Aroonthip Payakaphanta , Upper Secondary - Story Telling Competition
• 3rd place , OBEC's 2015 Drama Competition
• Qualifier, Semi-final Round-Rookie Category, 10th EU-Thailand National Intervarsity Championship Debate Tournament, Thammasat University, 2015
• Over-all Performance in University Admissions
“Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE. The word itself says, 'I’M POSSIBLE'.”
― Audrey Hepburn
English Program is special, but not in the way other people thought. It is not the air-conditioning room or colorful desks and chairs, nor the comparatively expensive tuition fee (trust me, the money is worth it) that makes EP so special to me. Here in EP, students receive “special” care. The teachers place themselves as friends. Some is even like close relatives. So, students, like me, feel comfortable talking to them about everything: studies, friends, conflicts, boyfriend, etc.
Another is “special” opportunity that EP can provide, for example, English camps and competitions among EP/MEP schools. I was lucky enough to get chosen to join many of them such as speech contest (mainly), debate tournament, and multi-skills competition. And, I was doing pretty well because I usually ranked among top three. These activities do not only make my profile look great, but they also create a better me. They were my opportunities to hone my English skills and to improve my social skill (since I get to meet lots of people). And the best thing is that, in every competition, at least a stranger (actually, my fellow participant) becomes my friend, whom I still talk to every now and then.
EP, to me, is not just a school program. It is a family, a place where I grew up. So, I believe, all I can say is that English Program is very SPECIAL indeed..
“He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying.”
― Fredrich Wilhelm Nietzche
I have been studied in English Program for six years. The program gave me many opportunities to develop my English skill such as in class, or through activities. Moreover, the program also developed me as a good and responsible leader, and a good citizen.
All the time that I have been studied in English Program, an experience taught me many things, for instance studying, IS presentation, performance class, or camps. I have gained enough knowledge for studying in university. Also, I have gained confidence and leadership to live with the others happily. Lastly, I discovered myself from being studied here.
I would like to thank the program, even the teacher that designed a good curriculum for the benefit of the students. Instead, this program has qualified teacher for students’ important skill. Besides, the program provided good environment and good relationship between the teacher and student, so it made me happy so much. I really love this program.
“We all have our unique careers that differ from one another, but the fact is that we must become "teachers and learners" at the end of it all! By the "learning career", we know what other people know; by the "teaching career", we make other people to know what we know!”
― Israelmore Ayivor
I have been studying in the English Program for 5 Years. And the school has given me so much opportunities not only to develop the target language which is English. But also developed me internally as a good person and as a responsible citizen in this nation. The program prepared myself to a bigger world. And the teachers equipped me with qualities that are beneficial for me and for the community I belong to.
Through activities like camps, tours and others. I have gained self-confidence. I have also gained enough knowledge to think critically and to think creatively. The activities they have prepared are also useful to foster camaraderie amongst us and also the teachers. Those team building activities helped me to realize that working with others as one is really beneficial than doing it alone.
English Program of Nawamintharachinuthit Triamudomsuksamonklao School has been a good venue for me to refine my four skills in English; listening speaking, reading and writing. The program has qualified teachers from around the world to give the best for its students. Good classroom environment, modernized equipment and healthy harmonious relationships of teachers and students are the things I really admired most. I love this program very much.
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